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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
CA4- L2 The purpose of early years provision

CA4- L2 The purpose of early years provision

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 4: Early Years Provision Lesson 2 The purpose of early years provision
CA4- L3 Roles & Settings [2 lessons]

CA4- L3 Roles & Settings [2 lessons]

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 4: Early Years Provision Lesson 3 Roles & Settings x2 lessons
CA5- L6 Confidentiality + Assessment

CA5- L6 Confidentiality + Assessment

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work, Learning Journey and work booklet, included in your purchase. Content Area 5: Legislation Lesson 3 Confidentiality + End of unit assessment
CA6- L1- EYP Appearance

CA6- L1- EYP Appearance

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey, included in your purchase. Content Area 6: Expectations of an EYP Lesson 1 EYP appearance
CA7- L3- Specialist roles

CA7- L3- Specialist roles

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey, included in your purchase. Content Area 7: Roles and responsibilities of an EYP Lesson 3 Specialist roles, this is an ICT research lesson (ideal as a cover lesson).
CA8- L1- Observations supporting development

CA8- L1- Observations supporting development

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey, included in your purchase. Content Area 8: The importance of observations in an early years setting Lesson 1- how observations support development
BTEC Health and Social Care Admin support

BTEC Health and Social Care Admin support

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Two resources that may save you time. This includes an A3 poster that we laminate and display in our classroom that shows students the equivalent grades and course structure. Followed by a tracker that students have in their books to track their work. All completely editable. Please review if you purchase
CA8- L3- Sharing Observations

CA8- L3- Sharing Observations

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey, included in your purchase. Content Area 8: The importance of observations in an early years setting Lesson 3- Sharing observations
Component 2 Health Conditions Respiratory

Component 2 Health Conditions Respiratory

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 2: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES AND VALUES New Spec 2022 Learning Aim A: Health Conditions-Respiratory. 1x 90 minute lesson. Task 1 and Task 2 Bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12900969
Component 2 Health Conditions Additional Needs

Component 2 Health Conditions Additional Needs

BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 2: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES AND VALUES New Spec 2022 Learning Aim A: Health Conditions- Additional Needs. 1x 90 minute lesson. Task 1 and Task 2 Bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12900969
Component 1- Social Factors

Component 1- Social Factors

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1-Task 2. 1x 60 minutes lesson looking at social factors that impact development Task 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12868599 Task 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12879899 Task 3a: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881469 Task 3b: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12895543
Component 1- Formal Support

Component 1- Formal Support

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1- Human Lifespan Development- Task 3b 1x 60 minutes. Formal Support Task 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12868599 Task 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12879899 Task 3a: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12881469 Task 3b: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12895543
BHM 2021

BHM 2021

Our department contribution for Black History Month 2021. This powerpoint includes 3x starter activities, and a homework task. Given to each year group (10-13) throughout October. Lesson 1 Starter: Statistics on immigration in the NHS Lesson 2: Reading on the Windrush generation contribution to the NHS and comprehension questions Homework: Research Mary Seacole Lesson 3: Match up and explain key points on Mary Seacole, with a video clip of her statue unveiling.
CA1- L2 Physical Development Gross Motor Skills

CA1- L2 Physical Development Gross Motor Skills

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 1: Child Development of the new specification -1.1-1.1.4 Lesson 2: Physical Development Gross Motor Skills
CA2- L3 Environmental Factors

CA2- L3 Environmental Factors

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 2: Factors that influence a child’s development Lesson 3: Environmental Factors
CA2- L2 Biological Factors

CA2- L2 Biological Factors

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 2: Factors that influence a child’s development Lesson 2: Biological Factors
CA2- L8 Support Strategies

CA2- L8 Support Strategies

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare) Scheme of Work and Learning Journey included in your purchase. Content Area 2: Factors that influence a child’s development Lesson 8 Support Strategies + End of Content mini assessment